As his disciples, Jesus calls us to a life of generosity and sacrificial giving. In a world that constantly tells us more “stuff” equals more life, our financial giving is an intentional spiritual practice shaping our hearts to become more like His.
EMBRACE CHURCH APP: Make gifts quickly and securely from within the Embrace Church app, now available in the App Store and on Google Play.
SUNDAY WORSHIP GATHERING: You can give by cash or check any Sunday during our in-person worship gathering. Offering boxes with envelopes are located on tables at the back of our worship space.
BY MAIL: Checks can be mailed to 2142 N. College Street, Auburn, AL 36830. Gifts intended for the Immeasurably More Building Fund should be designated as such on the memo line of the check.
STOCK OR INVESTMENTS: We are prepared to receive gifts of stock or other investments through our brokerage account. Please contact Chris Ragsdale our Finance Team Chairperson, at chrisragsdale73@gmail.com for more details.
*Gifts designated as "Tithes and Offerings" go toward general ministry operations while gifts designated for "Immeasurably More/Building Fund" will go towards the construction & loan costs of our building. All gifts are tax-deductible and giving statements are mailed out each January for contributions from the previous calendar year. Your personal giving history can also be viewed anytime by accessing your Embrace Church Online account.
The Finance Team of Embrace Church stewards our financial giving with great care, accountability and transparency. In that spirit, our quarterly financial reports are linked below. Our Finance Team Chairperson, Chris Ragsdale, can be reached at chrisragsdale73@gmail.com with any finance related questions. We are sincerely thankful for your partnership and financial investment in the mission and ministry of Embrace Church.