Groups & Courses
“…And they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers.”
— ACTS 2:42
Here at Embrace we believe that BECOMING like Jesus and BELONGING to one another in Christian community go hand in hand. Simply put, being part of a Group or Course is an intentional way of setting aside time to join our hearts and lives around Jesus and His word.
Click the button below to sign up for a course or group, and leaders will be in touch soon.
FRIDAYS at 9:00 AM / Begins April 4th
Leader: Brittany Alexander
Meets at the Alexander Home - West Auburn
This group will meet weekly for six weeks, doing a study of the book of Romans using the D-Group model. D-Groups are a ministry partner of The Bible Recap.
Questions? Contact Brittany at bjs0019@tigermail.auburn.edu.
TUESDAYS at 9:30 AM / Begins January 21st
Leader: Becca Banus
Meets at the Banus Home - West Auburn
This group meets weekly and centers around the discussion of scripture and resources from the Right Now Media library.
Questions? Contact Becca at rebecca.banus@gmail.com.
TUESDAYS at 6:00 PM / Begins January 8th
Leaders: Somer Givens & Wendy Smith
Meets at the Smith Home ~ North Auburn
This group meets weekly and is centered around reading scripture, praying together, and building community in relationships.
Questions? Contact Somer at smgivens78@gmail.com.
WEDNESDAYS at 10:00 AM / Begins March 12th
Leader: Jan Morgan
Meets at Embrace Church
This group meets weekly and will be reading through the book of 1 Peter, praying together, and building community in relationships.
Questions? Contact Jan at juanenondngirl@gmail.com.
BIWEEKLY ON THURSDAYS at 6:30 PM / Begins January 23rd
Leaders: Merrill & Amanda Hammett
Meets at the Hammett Home ~ North Auburn
This group meets twice per month and is for men and women, married or single, in the young adult stage of life. One of the monthly gatherings will be sharing a meal together, and the other will be a time of scripture reflection and prayer.
Questions? Contact Amanda at amanda@embraceauburn.org.
TUESDAYS at 6:15 PM / January 14th - April 8th
Leader: Nikki Barnes
Meets at Embrace Church
DivorceCare is 13-week, video-based support group where caring people come alongside you as you find healing from the pain of separation or divorce. The cost is $20, which includes your participant workbook. Please click here to register for this course.
Questions? Contact Nikki at nikkidvm@yahoo.com.
THURSDAYS at 6:30 AM / Begins January 9th
Leader: Dave Harle
Meets at Embrace Church
This group meets weekly and is centered around reading scripture, praying together, and building community in relationships.
Questions? Contact Dave at daveeharle@gmail.com.
WEDNESDAYS at 7:00 PM / Begins January 8th
Leader: Dustin Norris
Meets at Embrace Church
This group meets weekly and is centered around reading scripture, praying together, and building community in relationships.
Questions? Contact Dustin at bigdee63@gmail.com.
THURSDAYS at 6:30 PM / Begins January 23rd
Leaders: Dusty & Peggy Ann Hall and Josh Hillyer
Meets at the Hall Home
This group is for all men and women who are in the college age group. It meets weekly and is centered around scripture, prayer, and building community in relationships.
Questions? Contact Josh at hillyer@embraceauburn.org.
A Large Collective Group Open to Anyone Ages 55 and Up
Leaders: Corb & Jan Morgan
Dates & Locations Vary
This group gathers monthly for a shared meal and a time of devotion. If you’re 55+, they’d love to connect with you!
Questions? Contact Jan at juanenondngirl@gmail.com.
COMMUNITY GROUPS: Community groups typically meet weekly during the Fall and Spring semesters. They are led by individuals or small teams who host the gatherings and facilitate discussions. Gatherings consist of discussion & prayer centered around a scripture passage or a topic decided upon by the leaders.
COURSES & BIBLE STUDIES: Courses and studies are shorter in duration, usually ranging from four to eight weeks. They typically use a specific curriculum, book, or videos and may include weekly scripture study or follow-up work to be done between sessions. They meet at various times throughout the year.
CHILDCARE: We’ve found that groups and courses typically work best with adults only, so childcare is handled at the family level. However, some community groups have family meal nights during the semester when children are included.
CONNECT: Community groups are open to join anytime, although scheduling varies from group to group, so be sure to connect with leaders for up to date information on group meeting schedules.
LEADERSHIP: Interested in leading a group? Click here to learn more about group leadership at Embrace.